Hal Jordan is a Green Lantern, a group of intergalactic police force, who faces the challenge of protecting the universe, from those seeking to destroy or conquer it. He uses a green power ring that is fueled by willpower, the ring does run out of juice, but can be easily charged. He is the first human to join to corps because the ring chose him. The evil he faces are those in other color corps. Each corps is fueled by a different emotion. The Sinestro Corps aka the Yellow Corps, the Red Lanterns, and Agent Orange are his main enemies. Hal Jordan defends people with his power ring, fueled by will power. He isn’t protecting just because he has too, but because he believes it is the right thing and it is the way of the Green Lantern Corps. He represents the emotion will power, and light. He never gives up and will continue to fight when there are no other options.
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