After many trials he was destined to face the end of his days in this moral world; as was the dragon, for all his long leashhold of the treasure. (2341-2344)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Journal 2
Ash Ketchum is a simple Pokémon trainer from Pallet Town. In the first movie, the evil Pokémon Mewtwo cloned all the trainers’ Pokémon to battle the originals. Ash saw all the Pokémon suffering and tried to stop them by getting in the way of one of the attacks. By doing so he was turned to stone. In doing this all the Pokémon whether clone or original, and Mewtwo saw that fighting was wrong. The Pokémon’s tears brought ash back to life. Ash is like Beowulf because both of them did whatever was required to stop what they believed in. Whether it was getting the treasure from the dragon or stopping the Pokémon from suffering, they are both heroes; pushing themselves beyond the limit of the person’s capability.
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